
Client-Centric Pitching: Develop a Winning Process

Getting new business isn't easy, and agencies everywhere are feeling the crunch. When you get the chance to pitch, you need to make sure you've got what it takes to close the deal. But a lot of agencies fall short in the critical stages leading up to a pitch, they're not gathering the right insights, honing their messaging, or aligning their team around a winning strategy. It’s time to shake things up and make sure you're doing everything you can to win.

A pitch deck that's tailored to your client can set you apart from the competition. It cuts through the noise, tells a compelling story, and keeps your audience engaged. The problem is, many pitch decks end up as overstuffed 'creds decks'—lots of tech talk, not enough focus on making a compelling case.

That's where Freia comes in. She's spent the last six years helping agencies like yours rework their pitch process, gathering post-pitch feedback to find out what really works. In this interactive session, she’ll share what brands actually want to see in a pitch, point out the common mistakes agencies make, and give you a solid game plan for your pitch process.

You'll leave with an understanding how to make your pitches more structured, more collaborative, and ultimately, more successful.

This masterclass will show you how to:

- master the crucial activities in the pitch process to craft winning presentations that maximise your chances of success.

- unlock the secrets of what brands want to see in pitches, identify common agency mistakes, and learn proven strategies to avoid them.

- develop a winning pitch approach with a clear action plan to dramatically increase your win rate.


• Speaker Intro and background

• Scene setting: Why is it hard to win a pitch?

• What is your biggest challenge with the pitch process?


• What do you think brands want to see in a pitch?

• What is important to brands?

• Common themes from collecting post-pitch feedback and advising agencies on their pitch process

• Common pitch deck mistakes and the impact on pitch win rates


• What should your sales process look like to lead to a winning pitch?

• What is the ideal pitch structure?

• Score yourself from 1-5 on your ability to run an effective sales process

🗣 Masterclass host:

Freia is an Agency Growth Consultant with 15 years of experience in growing and optimising agencies. She works with agency owners and senior leaders to identify current blockers and move their business into the next phase of growth. She guides agencies on how to move their strategy out of the boardroom and into the agency, and see their plans through to the implementation of positive, embedded changes and ways of operating.

Previous to running her own consultancy, she worked agency-side for 12 years, grew her own digital content & PR team from 0-100 people, and was responsible for delivering the strategy and change programs for one of the most successful 150-strong digital marketing agencies in the UK.

Freia has collected post-pitch feedback on behalf of agencies for the last 6 years, and supports agencies with the optimisation of their sales process and, in turn, the improvement of pitch close rates.


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